Past Presidents

Santiago Mas-Coma

Santiago Mas-Coma - 2016-2022

Professor Santiago Mas-Coma (Pharm.D., Sc.D., Ph.D., Dr.h.c., perm. Acad) is Parasitology Chairman in the University of Valencia, Director of the "WHO Collaborating Centre on Fascioliasis and Its Snail Vectors" and Director of the "FAO-United Nations Reference Centre for Parasitology"; Former President of the European Federation of Parasitologists and of the Spanish Society of Parasitology; and Expert Member of the World Health Organization in Human Parasitology


clÁudio tadeu daniel-ribeiro

clÁudio tadeu daniel-ribeiro - 2012-2016

Professor Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro graduated in Medicine (1976) and received his MSc (1981) and DSc (1983) at the “Université de Paris VI” (Pierre et Marie Curie, UPMC). He is Full Researcher of the “Instituto Oswaldo Cruz” (IOC) - Fiocruz, where he headed the Department of Immunology (until 2007) and the Department of Teaching (1997). He is the Head of the Laboratory for Malaria Research and Coordinates the Research Center for Diagnosis and Training on Malaria (CPD-Mal) at Fiocruz, the Reference Laboratory at the Secretariat for Health Surveillance at the Ministry of Health, for malaria in the Extra-Amazon region.

CTDR is Full Member of the Brazilian National (ANM, 2010) and the “Fluminense” (for the State of Rio de Janeiro – AFM, 2002) Academies of Medicine and of the Fluminense Academy of Letters (2020), Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Medicine of France (2009), “Scientist of our State” of Faperj, and has been the Chair of the Scientific Council and responsible for the Organization of the XVIII International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria in Rio de Janeiro in 2012. He was named Doutor Honoris Causa of the Universidade de Nova Lisboa en 2016, Knight of Academic Palms by the Minister of National Education of France in 2012 and was the winner of the Médaille de la Société de Pathologie Exotique (France, 2016) and of the Health Sendas Award in 1997 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

He is ad-hoc advisor to various government agencies for Research, Associate Editor of “Neurociências” and member of the Scientific Editorial Board of several Journals. He has experience in the areas of Parasitology and Immunology, with emphasis on human Protozoology, acting on human and experimental simian and murine malaria, Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax, protective immunity, vaccine trials, immunopathology of malaria, Amazonian and Atlantic forest (bromeliad) malaria and in cognitive aspects of the immune and neural responses. Dr Daniel-Ribeiro has a CNPq Productivity Scholarship (level 1) since 1984.

He authors more than 220 scientific publications, including 166 in peer reviewed indexed Journals, popular science journals, the secular press, chapters and prefaces of books, books, theses and monographs; and around 380 communicatiosn made at National and International Conferences. He has been Guest speaker / participant in round tables of 238 Scientific Meetings in 47 cities of 14 countries.


Pierre Ambroise-Thomas

Pierre Ambroise-Thomas - 2008-2012 (IN MEMORIAM)

Professor Pierre Ambroise-Thomas (MD 1963, DSc 1969) is a Honorary Professor of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine at the Faculté de Médecine de Grenoble (France) and the former Head of the Service of Parasitology-Mycology at the University Hospital in the same city. He is Honorary President of the French Academy of Medicine and a member of the French Academy of Pharmacy. He has held several important administrative and political positions in France, mainly at the Ministry of Health, as Director of the Département de la Pharmacie et du Médicament, the National Council of the Universities, and at the Scientific Councils of CNRS and of ORSTOM (presently the IRD).

In addition, he is the Member of the Board of European Societies of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Past President of the Société de Pathologie Exotique and member of several Tropical Medicine Societies. Acting as an Expert for the World Health Organization since 1974, he was appointed by the General Director to the Strategic Technical Advisory Group in charge of counseling the WHO in the Fight against neglected tropical diseases.

Professor Pierre Ambroise-Thomas taught in France (at GRENOBLE and many other universities) as well as in several foreign countries (in Europe, North Africa, Africa, and Asia). He is Honoris causa Professor at the Medical University of Shanghai, where he taught for almost 30 years.

His research activities encompassed mainly the immunology of malaria, of toxoplasmosis and of several other opportunistic parasitic and mycotic diseases (in France, parasitology and mycology are, in fact, associated in the same specialty), as well as the treatment of malaria by arthemisinin combined therapies (ACT). These research works generated more than 350 publications in indexed journals, around 1000 publication in French journals or communications at national and international congresses and 14 books (including the volume “Infectious and parasitic diseases onto the Dictionary of the Académie Nationale de Médecine de France”) of which he is the author and the co-author.

Wishing to finalize the research at the bench with the work in the field, Professor Pierre Ambroise-Thomas has conducted – in more than 60 different countries and frequently to the WHO – numerous missions on the main parasitic diseases (malaria, amebiasis, schistosomiasis, onchocercosis, and lymphatic filariasis).

He organized the XVI International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria in Marseille (France) in 2005.


Eduardo Gotuzzo


Eduardo Gotuzzo, (MD, FACP, FIDSA), is principal professor of the Department of Medicine and Director of the “Alexander von Humboldt” Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru and head of the Department of Transmissible Diseases at the Cayetano Heredia Hospital. He is also an adjunct professor of medicine at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, School of Public Health. He is Director of the International Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine, Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia, taught jointly with the University of Alabama at Birmingham. He is an adjunct faculty member of the William J. Harrington Training Programs for Latin America, University of Miami School of Medicine (since 1983); is associate to the International Health Department of the Johns Hopkins University (1986-2005) and was fellow of the Center for the Americas at Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt University. Dr. Gotuzzo is an active member in numerous international societies, the IDSA Scientific Program (2000-2003); the International Organizing Committee of the International Congress of Infectious Diseases (1994 to present); President of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (1998-2000); the Pan American Infectious Diseases Association (1991-1993); and president of the Peruvian Society of Internal Medicine (1991-1992). He works on several research areas and teaches on subjects including emerging diseases, TB, HTLV-1, free-living amoebas, brucellosis, typhoid fever, cholera and parasites. He has published more than 400 articles and 48 chapters as well as six manuals and one book. Recent honors and awards include being named an honorary member of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in 2002; an honorary member of the Peruvian Society of Internal Medicine in 2000; since 2004 member, Institute of Medicine’s Forum on Microbial Threats – Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (USA) and a distinguished visitor at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Cordoba, Argentina (1999). In 1998 Dr. Gotuzzo received the Golden Medal for Outstanding Contribution in the Field of Infectious Diseases awarded by Trnava University, Slovakia. In 2007, Dr. Gotuzzo received the Society Citation Award from the IDSA. He was an honorary member of the Australian Society for Infectious Diseases (2008), the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2002), Sociedad Venezolana de Infectología (1997), Sociedad Paraguaya de Infectologia (2009) and the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico 2010). He is also Member of the Steering Committee of Zoonosis Diseases of WHO (2009-2011), Member of the Strategic and Technical Advisory Group on Neglected Diseases (STAG-NTD) of WHO (2010-2012).

Sornchai Looareesuwan

Sornchai Looareesuwan (IN MEMORIAM) - 2000-2005

Professor Sornchai Looareesuwan (1949-2007) was a famous clinician working on malaria clinical drug trials for 30 years.  He had a special interest in snake bites and rabies prior to his dedicated work in the field of malaria.  His was area of particular interest was the clinical management of patients with severe and multidrug resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria.  He is world renowned for the following important scientific work: clinical trials of new antimalarial drugs especially arthemisinin combination therapy and also the use of adjuvant therapy for severe malaria e.g. dexamethasone.  His work and publications in malaria research were both original and we was prodigious and he is recognized internationally as a leader in the field.

Professor Sornchai was the President (2000-2005) of the International Federation for Tropical Medicine, and has been an active member of distinguished international associations such as St. Cross College, Oxford University, American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Honorable member of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine and Honorable fellow of the Austrian College of Tropical Medicine.  He also held key positions at the WHO and a member of Editorial and Advisory Boards of several journals such as the Parasitology International, the Lancet of Infectious Disease, the Malaria Journal and Pubmed, Acta Tropica, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and many more.  Throughout his life as a researcher, he had written 63 book chapters, 24 letters and correspondences and published more than 500 papers most of which are recognized malaria clinical trials.

He set up the Critical Care in Tropical Diseases where he became the Head of the Division.  His administrative work continued as Deputy Director of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Director of SEAMEO TROPMED/Regional Centre for Tropical Diseases, Secretary General of SEAMEO TROPMED Network, and the Dean of the Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University for 8 years.

David Warrell

David A. Warrell - 1996-2000
(United Kingdom)

David Warrell (MD, DSc) obtained his medical degree from the University of Oxford in 1964. In 1968 and 1969 he worked in Ethiopia on respiratory function at medium altitude. He was awarded his MRCP in 1966 and FRCP in 1977 with other qualifications, including a DSc, later. In 1970 – 1974 he acquired a lasting interest in tropical medicine working for five years as Wellcome Research Fellow teaching and treating patients in northern Nigeria. Here his clinical research interests blossomed concentrating on meningitis and silicosis and later on malaria, rabies and snakebite before returning in 1974 as lecturer in the Department of Medicine, Royal Postgraduate Medical School and consultant physician in General Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford.

In 1979, he became the founding director of the Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Programme in Bangkok, Thailand and remained in that position for seven years. His unit carried out several classical clinical research projects on cerebral malaria, rabies and snake bite. He also carried out studies in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and later in Papua New Guinea, India, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and other countries and was a WHO consultant in many of these countries.

Since 1983 he has been a co-editor of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine and in 1986 he was appointed Professor of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases at the University of Oxford. Since 1986 he has been the consultant to the British army on tropical medicine and was awarded the Guthrie medal by the Royal Army Medical Corps. In 2002 he was made Head of the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine. The list of his achievements includes past presidencies of the International Federation of Tropical Medicine, the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and the British Venom Group. He was also Honorary Clinical Director of the Alistair Reid Venom Research Unit at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine for many years. He recently received the Busk Medal for contributions to field studies in tropical medicine (Royal Geographical Society), the Mary Kingsley Award from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (2005) and last year (2012) the Redi award, the highest honour given by the International Society of Toxinology. In 2012 he became International Director of the Royal College of Physicians. He has an impressive publication rate with about 400 papers and 70 contributions to books.

Scott Halstead (USA) was the second President of the IFTM (1992 - 1996)

Scott Halstead is Senior Adviser and Research Director, Pediatric Dengue Vaccine Initiative, International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Korea. He also serves as Adjunct Professor in the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, and as Consultant to the Rockefeller Foundation, New York, NY.

Dr. Halstead received a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Yale University and his medical degree from Columbia University School of Medicine. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps and was Chief of the Department of Virus & Rickettsial Diseases at the 406th Medical General Laboratory in Zama, Japan, worked as a virologist at Walter Reed Army Research Institute in Washington, D.C., and was Chief, Virology Department, SEATO Medical Research Laboratory in Bangkok, Thailand.

Other previous positions included Professor and Chair, Department of Tropical Medicine and Microbiology at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine in Honolulu, Deputy and Acting Director of the Health Sciences Division of the Rockefeller Foundation, Director of Infectious Disease Research and Chief Scientist at the Naval Medical Research Development Command in Bethesda, MD and Office of Naval Research in Arlington, VA, and Senior Scientist in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD.

Adetokunbo O Lucas (nigeria) was the first PRESIDENT OF THE iftm (1988-1992)

Prof Adetokunbo O Lucas, Nigerian Medical Doctor and former professor of international health at the Harvard School of public health, was the first President of the IFTM. Prof Lucas served as chair of Carnergie Corporation’s grant program concerned with strengthening human resources in developing countries for four years.

He has also served as Director of the special program for research and training in tropical diseases based at the WHO, Geneva for ten years. In his professional career, Prof Lucas has sat on various advisory boards of Rockefeller Foundation, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, Carter Center, the Wellcome Trust Scientific Group on Tropical Medicine, the Bill and Melinda Gates' Children's Vaccine Program and the Governing Board of the Centres for Agriculture and Biosciences International. He has chaired the Global Forum for Health Research, for four years when the new entity was established to promote international health research.

He currently represents West and Central African countries on the Governing Board of the Global Fund for Fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Prof Lucas has been awarded various academic honors including the Harvard Medal, the Mary Kingsley Medal of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, the Honorary Fellowship of the London School of 'Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health Alumni Award of Merit. The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has also named a lecture room in a new building in his honor. He was Appointed to the AMREF International Board on October 7, 2005.